"The Respect Life Office of the Diocese of Baker promotes and offers resources on all life issues from conception to natural death, according to the clear and concise teachings of the Roman Catholic Church."
Join us for the 2025 Diocese of Baker Pro-Life Conference
October 11, 9am-4pm, St. Thomas Catholic Church - Redmond, OR
Registration Coming Soon
Connect with the Diocese of Baker Pro-Life Coordinator, Rosa Ramirez at 541-388-4004 or
prolife @dioceseofbaker.org (please copy and paste this email address and remove the extra space).
Please see the USCCB website for more great resources: https://www.respectlife.org/
If you are suffering after abortion, experience a Rachel’s Vineyard™ healing weekend sponsored by Project Aurora. The weekends are for women, men, and anyone impacted by abortion regardless of faith background. Each retreat starts on Friday at 2:00 pm and ends on Sunday at 5:00 pm. Participation at the retreats is strictly confidential and offers a beautiful opportunity to experience God’s love, forgiveness, and compassion. Click HERE or the poster above for more info.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has put together digital and print resources for Respect Life Month that are available here. Churches, schools, ministries, and homes can use these materials to provide life-affirming education to their community. For instance, all churches could,
Display a Respect For Life poster from the USCCB or design one of their own.
Borrow the Oregon Right to Life Education Foundation Miracle of Life display which includes Touch of Life Fetal Models, a banner with an excerpt from Psalm 139, Precious Pocket fetal model takeaways, a Heartbeat Phone, and a fetal development card
Feature a Respect Life reflection in your bulletin or newsletter or on your website
Preach about respect for human life on Respect Life Sunday. I have attached Pro-Life Sermon Notes from Stephanie Gray, an international pro-life presenter from Vancouver, Canada. Pro-Life Sermon Notes
Pray for the protection of human life
Feature a different Respect Life topic in each week’s sermon/bulletin
Focus on the Family has put together a series of videos titled, See Life 2021. The attached See Life episodes include The Truth About Life, Heroes Providing Hope, The Power of a Picture, Sometimes the Choice is Hard, It’s Going to Be Amazing, and Families Helping Families. These videos contain messages for respecting all life.
In honor of Down Syndrome Awareness Month, I have also attached one of my favorite Down Syndrome Awareness videos, Perfect - Down Syndrome.
See Life Episode 1, See Life Episode 2, See Life Episode 3, See Life Episode 4, See Life Episode 5, See Life Episode 6
Because everyone deserves an advocate,
Disclaimer: All materials from sources external to ORTLEF have been reviewed by ORTLEF staff. However, some materials may contain viewpoints, statements, or information that are not consistent with ORTLEF policies. We recommend that you review all materials carefully and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!
Spiritually Adopt a Precious Child
Please reach out today through Spiritual Adoption and save an innocent unborn baby and make it part of your family. Print brochure
¿Qué es la Adopción Espiritual?
Esperamos que te unas a nuestras oraciones y esfuerzos por el fin del aborto. Imprimir folleto
Rosaries for Life
View the Prayer for Deliverance from Evil / Spiritual Adoption card and pray the powerful prayer from St. John Paul II! Print brochure
For more information about Hearts for Life, please visit https://hearts4life.org
The Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC) continues to save lives — virus or no virus.
One of its most successful fundraisers is its signature Baby Bottle Campaign that takes place each year between Mother's Day and Father's Day.
Annually, parishes throughout the Diocese of Baker ask that we fill baby bottles with change and return them by Father's Day. So, how can we help save lives during the pandemic?
Here are three different ways you can help all year long:
1) Fill a baby bottle online by using a credit card Just go to www.prcco.org/bb.
2) TEXT TO GIVE @prcco to 50214
3) Mail your donation to:
Pregnancy Resource Center – Baby Bottles
369 NE Revere Ave., Suite 102
Bend, OR 97701
Your gift enables the Pregnancy Resource Center to continue offering free services to expectant moms. Because PRC is intentionally donor-funded; state and federal funding is avoided in order to freely share about the love of Jesus Christ.
Free services include pregnancy testing, ultra-sounds (machines provided by St. Francis Knights of Columbus), prenatal vitamins, education and a compassionate ear in a non-judgmental environment.
For more information visit PRC online at prcco.org.
When you make a donation, your gift enables us to continue providing services to every man, woman and child who walks through our doors.
Together We Make a Difference
Oregon Right to Life provides education and works through legislation and political action, to secure protection for those threatened by these actions. We are a non-profit, non-partisan, non-sectarian organization with local chapters throughout the state. Changing hearts begins with the conversion of a single heart. Many single hearts joined together and speaking out in one voice will have an impact on society. (Mission)
(C-FAM.ORG) is the primary Catholic-based organization inside the United Nations that fights against religious discrimination, the U.N.'s abortion rights, and the U.N.'s radical agenda to remove all parental rights and promote the social definition of gender and explicit sexual education and sexual freedom to the youth of the world. "Pleasure" has become the standard for sexual freedom.
It takes just one word to change everything. Love. http://standupgirl.com/
This website consistently appears in the top 5 abortion-related websites every year. Over 18 million hits since it started in the year 2000. It has had over 2 million hits worldwide in 2010. It reaches out primarily to the 12 year old to 24 year old female age groups.
If you or someone you know is suffering after abortion, confidential non-judgmental help is available:
Call Project Rachel's national toll-free number: 888-456-HOPE(-4673) or visit project-aurora.org/rachels-vineyard-retreats-in-oregon/.
Spanish-speakers may visit EsperanzaPosaborto.org.
Offering hope to anyone who may be pregnant. Free Pregnancy and Ultrasound Tests.
Please call the Center to find out about other
resources to benefit you and your baby. 541-385-5334
The only crisis pregnancy center doing OB ultrasounds to help young women with their pregnancies.
The Respect Life Program begins anew each year on Respect Life Sunday, the first Sunday in October. The program is highlighted in liturgies and marked by special events.
The USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities publishes a program packet each year to call attention to numerous human life issues. These materials are especially helpful for priests, parish groups and other organizations.
Follow this link to USCCB for more information and program materials
Print the above Prayer Card in English or Spanish Here
Rep. Cliff Bentz (R)
Eastern Oregon
2430 SW 4th Avenue
Ontario, OR 97914
Ontario: (541) 709-2040
Medford: (541) 776-4646
Washington DC Office
1239 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-6730
Fax: (202) 225-5774
Senator Ron Wyden (D)
Bend Office
The Jamison Building
131 NW Hawthorne Ave Suite 07
Bend, OR 97701
Bend: 541-330-9142
Eugene: 541-431-0229
La Grande: 541-962-7691
Medford: 541-858-5122
Portland: 503-346-7526
Salem: 503-589-4555
DC: 202-224-5244
Senator Jeff Merkley (D)
Bend Office
131 Hawthorne Ave. Suite 208
Bend, OR 97701
Bend: 541-318-1298
Eugene: 541-465-6750
Medford: 541-608-9102
Pendleton: 541-278-1129
Portland: 503-326-3386
Salem: 503-362-8102
DC: 202-224-3753